Pranav Singh

Final Year Computer Engineering Student at TIET, Patiala

About Me

My Resume

Hey, I'm Pranav

I am a passionate web developer, machine learning enthusiast, and competitive programmer. I have a strong desire to learn new technologies and incorporate them into my projects. I am a quick learner and an effective team player. I thrive on taking up new challenges and tackling them head-on.

Currently, I am in the final year of my B.E. degree in Computer Engineering at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. Download my resume to learn more about me.


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Checkout my projects on Github

My projects encompass a wide range, spanning from web development to machine learning, algorithms, and operating systems. Each project, regardless of its scale, reflects my skills, domain knowledge, and meticulous attention to detail.

Visit my LeetCode Profile

My LeetCode profile reflects my passion for competitive programming. I've solved over 400 problems on LeetCode, covering a wide range of major topics, and approximately 50 problems on GeeksForGeeks. Additionally, I've actively participated in contests on platforms such as CodeChef and LeetCode.

Checkout my socials

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Instagram (@pranavoodoo). I'm highly engaged on my social media platforms, where I regularly share insights, updates, and the latest in my areas of expertise. I am always open to connecting and exploring collaborative opportunities, so don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like to discuss potential projects or simply connect with a fellow enthusiast.